Backup Storage


A backup Storage is a storage system that stores images for creating volumes. Backup storage can be filesystem based storage(e.g. NFS) or object store based storage(e.g. OpenStack swift), as long as the storage is network shared storage. Besides providing templates for creating volumes, backup storage also allow users to backup entities including volumes and volume snapshots.

A backup storage must be attached to a zone before the zone’s descendant resources can access it. Admins can take this advantage to share images across multiple zones, for example:


In the early stage of a cloud, there may be only one zone(Zone1) with a single backup storage. In pace with business development, admins may decide to create another zone(Zone2) but still use existing images for VMs; then admins can attach the backup storage to Zone2, so both Zone1 and Zone2 share the same images.



In this ZStack version, the only supported backup storage is SFTP backup storage



Name Description Optional Choices Since
uuid see Resource Properties     0.6
name see Resource Properties     0.6
description see Resource Properties true   0.6
url see url     0.6
totalCapacity total disk capacity in bytes, see capacity     0.6
availableCapacity available disk capacity in bytes, see capacity     0.6
type backup storage type  
  • SftpBackupStorage
state see state  
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
status see status  
  • Connecting
  • Connected
  • Disconnected
attachedZoneUuids a list of zone UUID the backup storage has been attached     0.6
createDate see Resource Properties     0.6
lastOpDate see Resource Properties     0.6


    "attachedZoneUuids": [
    "availableCapacity": 1258407346176,
    "name": "sftp",
    "state": "Enabled",
    "status": "Connected",
    "totalCapacity": 1585341214720,
    "type": "SftpBackupStorage",
    "url": "/export/backupStorage/sftp",
    "uuid": "33a35f75885f45ab96ea2626ce9c05a6",
    "lastOpDate": "Jun 1, 2015 3:42:26 PM",
    "createDate": "Jun 1, 2015 3:42:26 PM"


URL is a string that contains information needed by backup storage plugins for manipulating storage systems. Although it’s named as URL, the certain format of the string is up to backup storage types and is not necessary to strictly follow the URL convention, to give flexibilities to plugins to encode information that may not be able to fit in the URL format.

SFTP Backup Storage URL

For SFTP backup storage, the URL is the absolute path of a directory in the filesystem. For example, /storage/sftp.


ZStack keeps tracking disk capacities of backup storage in order to select suitable one when allocating space for storing images. The capacity is calculated by below formulas:

totalCapacity = backup storage's total capacity
availableCapacity = totalCapacity - sum(images' real sizes)


Backup storage have two states:

  • Enabled:

    The state that allows images to be registered, backup, and downloaded

  • Disabled:

    The state that DOESN’T allow images to be registered, backup, and downloaded. Especially, if an image is only stored on a disabled backup storage, and if that image is not downloaded to image caches of primary storage yet, no VMs can be created from that image.


Status reflects the status of command channels amid ZStack management nodes and backup storage.

  • Connecting:

    A ZStack management node is trying to establish the command channel between itself and a backup storage. No operations can be performed to the backup storage.

  • Connected

    The command channel has been successfully established between a ZStack management node and a backup storage. Operations can be performed to the backup storage.

  • Disconnected

    The command channel has lost between a ZStack management node and a backup storage. No operations can be performed to the backup storage.

ZStack management nodes will try to setup command channels every time when they boot, and will periodically send ping commands to backup storage to check the health of command channels. Once a backup storage fails to respond, or a ping command times out, the command channel is considered as lost and the backup storage will be placed in the status of Disconnected.

Here is the transition diagram:


SFTP Backup Storage

SFTP backup storage is a Linux server that stores images in native filesystem and uses OpenSSH server/client to transfer images. ZStack uses a python agent (SftpBackupStorageAgent) to manage the Linux server; images are uploaded/downloaded to/from the server by SCP. Besides properties in backup storage inventory, SFTP backup storage has an extra property:

Name Description Optional Choices Since
hostname the IP address or DNS name of the SFTP backup storage     0.6


    "attachedZoneUuids": [
    "availableCapacity": 1258407346176,
    "hostname": "",
    "name": "sftp",
    "state": "Enabled",
    "status": "Connected",
    "totalCapacity": 1585341214720,
    "type": "SftpBackupStorage",
    "url": "/export/backupStorage/sftp",
    "uuid": "33a35f75885f45ab96ea2626ce9c05a6",
    "lastOpDate": "Jun 1, 2015 3:42:26 PM",
    "createDate": "Jun 1, 2015 3:42:26 PM"


Add Backup Storage

The commands to add a backup storage vary for different backup storage types.

Add SFTP Backup Storage

Admins can use AddSftpBackupStorage to add a new backup storage. For example:

AddSftpBackupStorage name=sftp1 url=/storage/sftp1 hostname= username=root password=password
Name Description Optional Choices Since
name resource name, see Resource Properties     0.6
resourceUuid resource uuid, see Create Resources true   0.6
description resource description, see Resource Properties true   0.6
url see url     0.6
hostname the IP address or DNS name of the SFTP backup storage     0.6
username the user root   root 0.6
password the SSH password for user root     0.6

Delete Backup Storage

Admins can use DeleteBackupStorage to delete a backup storage. For example:

DeleteBackupStorage uuid=1613b627cb2e4ffcb30e7e59935064be


When deleting, a backup storage will be detached from attached zones. Copies of images and of volume snapshots on the backup storage will be deleted; if a copy is the only copy of an image or a volume snapshot, the image or the volume snapshot will be deleted as well. There is no way to recover a deleted backup storage.


Name Description Optional Choices Since
uuid backup storage uuid     0.6
deleteMode see Delete Resources true
  • Permissive
  • Enforcing

Change State

Admins can use ChangeBackupStorageState to change the state of a backup storage. For example:

ChangeBackupStorageState uuid=33a35f75885f45ab96ea2626ce9c05a6 stateEvent=enable


Name Description Optional Choices Since
uuid backup storage uuid     0.6

state trigger event

  • enable: change the state to Enabled
  • disable: change the state to Disabled
  • enable
  • disable

Attach Zone

Admins can use AttachBackupStorageToZone to attach a backup storage to a zone. For example:

AttachBackupStorageToZone backupStorageUuid=d086c30f33914c98a6078269bab7bc8f zoneUuid=d086c30f33914c98a6078269bab7bc8f


Name Description Optional Choices Since
backupStorageUuid the backup storage uuid     0.6
zoneUuid the zone uuid     0.6

Detach Zone

Admins can use DetachBackupStorageFromZone to detach a backup storage from a zone. For example:

DetachBackupStorageFromZone backupStorageUuid=d086c30f33914c98a6078269bab7bc8f zoneUuid=d086c30f33914c98a6078269bab7bc8f


Name Description Optional Choices Since
backupStorageUuid the backup storage uuid     0.6
zoneUuid the zone uuid     0.6

Query Backup Storage

Admins can use QueryBackupStorage to query backup storage. For example:

QueryBackupStorage state=Enabled
QueryBackupStorage image.platform=Linux

Nested And Expanded Fields of Query

Field Inventory Description Since
zone zone inventory zones this backup storage is attached to 0.6
image image inventory images this backup storage contains 0.6
volumeSnapshot volume snapshot inventory volume snapshots this backup storage contains 0.6

Query SFTP Backup Storage

Admins can use QuerySftpBackupStorage to query SFTP backup storage:

QuerySftpBackupStorage name=sftp

Global Configurations


Name Category Default Value Choices
ping.interval backupStorage 60 > 0

The interval that management nodes send ping commands to backup storage, in seconds.


Name Category Default Value Choices
ping.parallelismDegree backupStorage 50 > 0

The max number of backup storage that management nodes will ping in parallel.


Admins can create user tags on a backup storage with resourceType=BackupStorageVO. For example:

CreateUserTag tag=lab1 resourceType=BackupStorageVO resourceUuid=2906471068802c501773d3ee55b7766e